Sports Performance Testing of High School Distance Runners [Ray J. Gagne, EET, CFE, NADEP]

Sports Performance Testing of High School Distance Runners [Ray J. Gagne, EET, CFE, NADEP]

Test results showed an overall positive change in performance of those wearing the Q-Link®. A resultant average improvement in total body strength of 6.05% was noted for the males and 5.72% for the females tested. These results were in direct comparison to those wearing placebo (non-functioning Q-Link® device) who scored at an average improvement of 1.04% for the males and 0.35% for the females tested. This increase for Q-Link® wearers over the placebo group was 5.01% for males and 5.38% for the females, which was a significant and noted result. Thus, the changes noted during the testing document that the athletes who wore the Q-Link® were able to demonstrate increased overall body strength and cognitive flexibility after the five day usage period. In fact, 100% of the athletes tested using the Q-Link® displayed positive outcomes. This initial research should be noted as a solid basis for future testing of other athletic and sport activities.

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