Alvin Lim, Life Coach ["...I felt a lot more grounded, and I had more mental clarity..."]

Alvin Lim, Life Coach ["...I felt a lot more grounded, and I had more mental clarity..."]
"I started wearing the Q-Link back in 2022. It was an interesting experience because within the first week, I was able to fall asleep very quickly and I slept deeply as well. Some very obvious changes were my mood. I felt a lot more grounded, and I had more mental clarity. As an Empath, I’m usually more easily influenced by other people’s emotions. However, with the Q-Link, I felt as though I was shielded from negative energy field. Once, I took it out for a week. Almost instantly, I felt fatigued. To the point where I couldn’t get through the day without a nap by 3pm. I also tired easily when I went to the gym. This was very significant. I quickly put it back on, and the result was almost instantaneous. I felt my energy come back, and I could last throughout the day without feeling so tired. Since then, I’ve never taken it off."