Dina Wiltshire ["...I have not experienced jet lag for years since wearing my Q-Link..."]

Dina Wiltshire ["...I have not experienced jet lag for years since wearing my Q-Link..."]
"I have been wearing my Q-Link now for 4+ years and for the most part never really took it off. It would move from around my neck to my bra strap if I wore jewelry for a meeting but other than that, it was always on me. A few months ago I forgot my Q-Link at home and traveled from east to west coast on business for a few days. I travel extensively for business. I have not experienced jet lag for years since wearing my Q-Link so completely forgot how miserable it can be. It took a full week for me to recover from this trip and I couldn't figure out why until my husband asked if I was wearing my Q-Link. I scurried around the house to find my little buddy and put it back around my neck. I had become so accustomed to NOT struggling with time zones with my extensive travel, I did not connect the power of Q and time travel :-) As they say: Don't leave home without it!! And now, I never will."
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