Jason R ["Long time owner who recently upgraded from the SRT-2 pendant to the SRT-3 pendant...."]

Jason R ["Long time owner who recently upgraded from the SRT-2 pendant to the SRT-3 pendant...."]
"Long time Q-Link owner who recently upgraded from the SRT-2 pendant to the SRT-3 pendant. I couldn't be any happier with this company. Yes, it won't grow hair on your head that I know of, but somehow, someway it just makes you feel better and definitely makes one have a more sound sleep. They have a 90 day money back guarantee if you are a doubter just in case! You can't beat that. The customer service is absolutely fantastic. I again am a believer in the product and this product only costs the amount of a bottle of decent multi vitamins. The difference is that this pendant lasts a life time - the vitamin pills, not so much!"