Joseph Rende - Assistant Director, Education Services, The Young Presidents Organization [“...I was so impressed with the positive effects of the Q-Link that I purchased them for my entire family...”]

Joseph Rende - Assistant Director, Education Services, The Young Presidents Organization [“...I was so impressed with the positive effects of the Q-Link that I purchased them for my entire family...”]
"I have been wearing my Q-Link Pendant since this past August - I have been delighted and quite surprised by the amount of energy I continue to experience. I no longer feel exhausted at the end of a day in front of the computer, and my past problem with jet lag has virtually ended. This product is amazing! My initial skepticism has given way to belief and appreciation. I was so impressed with the positive effects of the Q-Link that I purchased them for my entire family. Thank you again for having such a positive and lasting effect on the wellness of my entire family!"