Sasha - Submitted 5 Star Review ["In LOVE with Q-Link Products for 14 Years"]

Sasha - Submitted 5 Star Review ["In LOVE with Q-Link Products for 14 Years"]
"I have been wearing the SRT-3 pendant, ever since I discovered it when my kids were younger. I was amazed at how quickly it affected me in such a positive way. The first time I ever put on the pendant after I purchased it, I let out an audible sigh. It was as if my nervous system was suddenly feeling so much relief. I also practice earthing and grounding when I'm sleeping, that has also greatly improved some medical issues and pain I was having. A few years ago I purchased this plug in Stratus unit. I have a lot of sensitivity to Wi-Fi, cell towers, cell phones, smart meters, EMF fields. Of course this is not a Faraday cage, but it does make a big difference. Thank God I brought my plug in on my most recent trip, staying in an airbnb unit. I could not believe when I got into the unit how bad my ear began to ring, it always does that when there is a lot of radiation in the place I am staying. It bothered me so much, I just couldn't take it. Thank God I noticed I had brought the stratus with me, so I plugged it in. What is amazing, is how much it is helping. I seriously can't wait to be able to invest in a second unit to plug in in my home."