Susan Barch - Retired, Renshi 5th Dan ["...The Q-Link, I am very sure, has sharpened my focus and defended me against the effects of ever-present EMFs."]

Susan Barch - Retired, Renshi 5th Dan ["...The Q-Link, I am very sure, has sharpened my focus and defended me against the effects of ever-present EMFs."]

"As a teacher of Okinawan traditional martial arts I regularly had massages, chiropractic, acupuncture and body-supportive help from professionals to help with the physical demands. My massage therapist recommended your product to help me maintain focus, heal promptly, and defend against the EMFs from the rapidly multiplying number of electronic devices out there in the early nineties and onward. It was necessary to test for advanced degrees in Okinawa in front of the Grand Master and that was intense.... not to mention the jet lag. The Q-Link, I am very sure, has sharpened my focus and defended me against the effects of ever-present EMFs."

Susan Barch
Retired, Renshi 5th Dan
Okinawan Shorin Ryu Shorin Kan
Shugoro Nakazato, Grandmaster
Naha, Okinawa